Sunday, September 12, 2010

Back to Basics 2: The Round Up

I have been a very bad hostess for this event. Not only have I posted my entry very late, but some of your entries also went unacknowledged and my sincere apologies for that.

Here's the wealth of information that all the fellow bloggers have shared this time around:

There are a few basic spices that I am sure most kitchens have. Sure, they are easily available in most supermarkets all over the world, but making these at home is not too tough either. Moreover, the fragrance and freshness of homemade spices is incomparable. Don't just take my word for it, go on and take a look at these entries and I am sure you'll agree with me:

Jeera powder
Cumin coconut powder
Spiced chilli powder
Crushed peanuts
Sambhar powder
Rasam podi
Roasted cumin seed powder, coriander seed powder, sesame seed powder, roasted coconut paste and raosted groundnut paste

Make these ahead of time, store in a jar and transform the simplest of foods to something absolutely delicious, as if by magic!

Coriander Lentil Spice Mix
Groundnut and sesame powder, lentil and sesame powder, tangy mint powder
Gun powder
Urad Dhal Powder
Milk Masala Powder

I'll admit it, there are certain things I've never made at home but I am now very inspired to make them from scratch:


Have a blender at home? You seriously have no excuse not to make these at home:

Ginger garlic paste
Cilantro Mint chutney
Ginger garlic paste (no this is not a typo!)
Kurukku Kaalan

A blender for a large batch of tomatoes and a grater for a couple of them. Either way, making a silky, smooth tomato puree at home is so simple.

Love to make batata vadas but hate the icky fingers that result from dipping the potato balls in the batter? Use this simple tip and fry batata vadas without getting your hands dirty!

But you don't make batata vadas that often, you say. But I am pretty sure you would be making dal very often. And while there are many ways of making dal, this is one of the easier ways of making it.

And finally, did you ever think you could jazz up a simple glass of water? I was so excited when I read this tip that I promptly went and jazzed up my vodka. Water, vodka....the possibilities are immense!

So there you are tips and tricks to make cooking and eating simpler, easier, healthier and yes, cheaper.

I will be on a break starting Tuesday till the end of the month, but leave me a comment if I have missed your entry in the round up and I will add it in as soon as I can.


  1. Thanks for hosting the event and putting together this well organized round-up. Enjoy the break, Aqua!

  2. What a great round-up, I want to go make all of these things right away! So many great ideas here! Thanks for taking the time to host this very helpful event.

  3. bookmarking the entire lovely roundup as every entry is like a gem.

  4. Thanks for hosting and a wonderful roundup Aqua!
    BTW, I am shocked. You have never made yogurt or paneer at home?! :)

  5. Thanks for the round up Aqua. Looks like mine is the longest Title for this entry :)
    wonderful posts.
    Best wishes.

  6. You are one awesome hostess babe and loved the way you categorized the entries. will check them out now. :).


  7. nice roundup.. bookmarked some useful ones to store in advance..

  8. Hi Aqua, a very nice round a lot of interesting ideas to try...happy vacation :)

  9. Nice to see so many helpful cooking the batata vada tip:)
