Sunday, April 4, 2010

Of Chalks and Chopsticks

What an irony....I am having a tough time writing a post that is meant to announce an event that has to do with writing!

I have pondered over this post for the last 3 days, written and re-written it a few times - only to realise that sometimes the best way of saying something is to start at the beginning.

A couple of week's ago, I saw this post on Sandeepa's blog. Close on its heels came this post from Sra. Both these posts re-ignited my interest in the genre of 'Food Fiction'. I had myself dabbled in food fiction sometime back, but somehow, much as I wanted to, never managed make it a regular feature on my blog. However, after seeing their posts, I was inspired to take it up again.

A germ of an idea, a few mails exchanged with these two talented bloggers and 'Of Chalks and Chopsticks', a monthly event dedicated to food fiction was conceived. Sandeepa, Sra and I will co-host this event; I have the privilege of kicking it off.

If the concept interests and challenges you, this is what you need to do:

1. Spin us a yarn - an original one. It could either be based on a real incident or could be something competely imaginary. Explore any genre: humour, romance, mystery, paranormal etc.

2. The story you write has to be related to the food you will cook in that post.

3. There is no word limit on the story you write, but it has to be written in one single post.

4. Archived posts are accepted (though writing a new one for this event would be highly appreciated).

5. Posts written for this event CAN be shared with other events.

Post your story and the recipe between now and April 30 and mail it to me at: aquadaze(at)rediffmail(dot)com

Include the following details in your mail:

1. Name and URL of your blog

2. Title and URL of your post

3. A photo of your entry

Eagerly looking forward to your entries!


  1. Good that we kicked it off!

  2. This is very interesting..very different from the usual events..I love this theme..

  3. I sucks in writting so i think i will bow out gracefully now itself.

  4. Lovely changed your template after long time..nice looking template

  5. Great idea:). Let me see whether I can spin a culinary yarn:)

  6. Whoa, I just spinned off a yarn about a chocolate cake. Posted it already - methinks I'll send it in as my debutante piece!

  7. What a bold idea. I look forward to reading the entries!

  8. Hi,
    came here from Sra's blog, well posted something today..let me know if it fits into your lovely event.
    hugs and smiles

  9. Sra, I am really very excited, fingers crossed!

    Nithu, Sheeba, Dee, SM...hope you can send in something.

    Priyanka and Happy Cook, your moral support means a lot.

    Ann, what do you think I was hoping for when I wrote rule no. 4?!

    Jaya, I did check your post, pls link it to this announcement and send it in. Psstt...I have one lying in my drafts that is very similar to yours!

  10. Hi,

    Ironically I came here from Jaya's blog which I saw on Indiblogger :)

    Sent a story by mail. An existing post though.



  11. Dear Aquadaze, Sure I'l be sending you an entry soon..

  12. What a lovely event.Will surely send in my yarn..i mean...entry....

  13. wow..interesting event and lovely blog too. i willsend mine.. following you

  14. I've sent my entry..hope you got it..

  15. Mailed my entry a couple of hours ago.

  16. Lovely to be here. Nice posts and good write ups. Like the events hosted by you. Following you to keep in touch. Best wishes, take care.
