Monday, March 1, 2010

Not quite a rabbit....

I don't quite fancy carrots. Unless they are made into gajar ka halwa. And a carrot cake, of course.

And yes, I do like my carrots made this way.
Or when added to certain other veggies like cauliflower or cabbage or peas.

Looks like I do like carrots! However, unlike rabbits, I like my carrots cooked. Which apparently is a good thing. For, I found out just a few weeks back that it is better to cook carrots than to eat them raw!

Here's another way I love to have carrots:


Carrots - 4 medium sized

Yogurt: 3/4 cup
Sugar: 1 tsp

grind the following to a smooth paste, adding a little water, if needed:
Grated coconut: 3 tbsps
curry leaves: 8-10 nos
coriander leaves: 3-4 stalks
green chillies: 2 nos
mustard seeds: 1.5 tsp

for the tempering:

oil: 1 tbsp
mustard seeds: 1/2 tsp
dried red chillies: 2 nos
curry leaves: 5-6
peppercorn: 6 nos


Peel the carrots and boil them until soft and cooked. I normally pressure cook the carrots - 2 whistles are enough to cook them.

When cool, cut them into a few pieces and grind to get a smooth puree. Use a little water if necessary.

Mix together the pureed carrots, the coconut - mustard paste and the yogurt. Season with salt and sugar.

Heat the oil, add the mustard seeds to the hot oil. When they crackle, add the red chillies, curry leaves and the peppercorn; let these sizzle in the oil for half a minute and then pour over the carrot-yoghurt mix. Stir and chill for half an hour before serving.

I normally make this raita as an accompaniment to parathas or with any dry stir fried veggie like aloo gobhi or jeera aloo.

So, what is it called?
I call it "carrot raita with yogurt". It is a Tamil preparation that my MIL makes very often; somehow, I don't know what it is called! What I do know is that the sweetness of the carrots, paired with the tanginess of yogurt and the piquancy of the mustard seeds give this raita a lovely and almost indescribable medley of flavours. Hope you like it too!


  1. Very catchy dish, prefect with rotis..

  2. Wow.. this sounds very interesting.. Something so new.. will surely give it a try :)

  3. raita looks very delicious, healthy ..lovely color

    Fashion Deals For Less

  4. Carrot raita looks delicious and intresting..:-))

  5. I love carrots both the way.
    never had carrots like this, but it sounds and looks so so delcious, it has to be with the coconut milk in them.

  6. this recipe looks very interesting and new...

  7. Interesting recipe...lovely click:)

  8. thanks for the info on carrots..thats an innovative recipe..

  9. Was wondering what rabbit is doing here.
    Unique recipe thanks for sharing it.

  10. We never boiled the carrot for raita, this one looks like butter. Should be creamy and perfect!

  11. Even my aunt makes this with yogurt. Is it the dish of Madurai? :-)

    Well, you are visiting me after a long time.

    Nice pic! the choco fudge also was super yummy

  12. thansk for visiting me and for your encouraging comment. your space is lovely...I love your collection of recipes especially the carrot recipes. love the pictures.

  13. Oh goodness.. carrot soup that looks divine, I would love to try this recipe, it looks so divine and creamy.

  14. Simply superb!! looks so creamy and yummy!!

  15. Looks so creamy and nice in color. Nice recipe with carrot.

  16. Very interesting recipe. I like yogurt based dishes. You have a great blog.

  17. Sounds really good! Must try!

  18. This is very intresting...looks so colorful..
    U got very nice collection of recipes...

  19. Lovely color and interesting dish, looks yummy.....

  20. My carrot raita with yogurt is grated carrots, raisins and yogurt with a tempering of curry leaves and such. Ok, didn't mean to rain on your recipe with another of mine. What I was trying to say is this looks so much more filling and delicious than mine. As if it is a side dish instead of a condiment. Lovely picture. :)
    Now I see a fudge cake. Got to go.

  21. How delicious! I love having new ideas for side dishes (and getting more vegetables into my diet).
