Friday, November 20, 2009

Beetroot Salad

Say beetroot and the first reaction of most people is likely be "oh oh" or "ugh". At least, I used to get completely put off by its deep crimson colour.

Of course, it is good for you - which is my mum would regularly force it down out throats in various soups. The moment I stepped out of the house, I turned my back firmly on beetroot.

Until few years ago that is. My cook made this salad insisting it was the best salad I could've ever had. Very grudgingly, I had to admit that it was nice. Better than nice, infact. So nice, that there are days when I actually crave this salad. Yes, notwithstanding the colour, I actually enjoy beetroot (salad).

All you need to do is this:

Boil a beet till it is cooked but still firm. After it cools, peel and grate it.
Toss the grated beet with about 2 tbsps of coarse (roasted) peanut powder, juice of a lime, 3 finely chopped green chillies, 2 tbsps of chopped coriander leaves, salt and a tsp of sugar.
The salad has to be spicy, sweet and tangy all at the same time so adjust seasonings according to your taste.
Sending this to Lisa's No Croutons Required; the theme this month is soups and salads containing root vegetables.


  1. Love the colour and looks so healthy delicous. Indeed mom is right beet is good for us, which as kids we never listend :-)

  2. Looks lovely, we all love beets in our house and i make this atleast once a week either with coconut or onion.

  3. Love this simple and healthy salad..

  4. I am craving it already, and I haven't even eaten it yet!

  5. attractive color sounds healthy and delicious and a perfect click.

  6. Very pretty and attractive salad!

  7. hey AD,
    I love beet salad, even S does :)
    adding peanut powder def. makes the salad yummier :) nice presentation!

  8. I love beetroots to the core, always make only stir-fries tho' this is eye pleasing, lovely presentation:)

  9. See, I love the color but not the taste of beetroot. I think I need to give it another chance, though. Looks delicious!

  10. A delightful salad! Lovely color and flavors!


