Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Creamy Egg Curry

Remember that ad "khana meri jaan ande hi ande", umm...well, egging people to have eggs?

Well, I for one, have never needed any encouragement to have eggs. I can have them in any form hard boiled, half boiled, scrambled, omlettes, poached, in curries, as finger food - well, pretty much in any form other than raw! Terradaze too shares my love for eggs and so I have in my repertoire plenty of ways to cook up eggs.

Tch tch...I can hear some of you say. Don't you know Aqua, eggs aren't entirely good for you?
Well, it seems that the jury is still out on this issue. And while too much of anything isn't good for you, the fact still remains that eggs are a great source of nutrition. I do limit our weekly egg intake to no more than 3 eggs and buy the fancy low cholesterol, omega 3+6 eggs.

It seems, however, that we didn't pass on the 'love eggs' gene to our lil' one. She dislikes eggs and no amount of enticing, cajoling, pleading, bribing or threatening will make her eat them EXCEPT for this egg curry!

Egg curry (in milk)


Eggs - 4 , hard boiled and shelled
Onion - 1 small, grated
Ginger and garlic paste - 1 tsp each
Turmeric - 1/2 tsp
Coriander leaves - 1 1/2 tsp, finely chopped
Low Fat Milk - 250 ml
Cornflour - 1 1/2 tsp
Cinnamon - 1"inch stick
Cloves - 5 nos
Green chilli* - 1
Red chilli flakes* - 1/2 tsp
Sugar - 1/2 tsp
Salt - to taste


Slice the eggs into two.
Blend the cornflour in some water and set aside.

Heat oil, add the cinnamon and cloves followed by the ginger garlic pastes. Fry until fragrant. Next, add the green chilli and the onion and saute till pink. Add the turmeric powder, red chilli flakes, salt and sugar and stir for half a minute.

Pour the milk and bring to a boil, simmer for a further 5 mins. Add the cornflour paste and let the gravy thicken. Finally, add the eggs and the coriander and simmer for another 2 minutes. Add some water if you want your curry to be thinner.

Serve hot with steamed rice.

1. If making for kids, don't add the chilli and the red chilli flakes. Normally, I set some curry aside for my daughter and then add the chilli to the rest and bring it to a boil.
2. You can vary this curry a lot - add coconut milk or even butter milk in place of normal milk.
3. Instead of eggs, try making this with baby potatoes or baby corn or even cauliflower - tastes great!

Off this goes to Monthly Mingle, an event started by Meeta, being hosted this month by Srivalli who is focussing this month on Kids Lunches.

Also sending this to Meetsudeshna's Event for Eggs.


  1. Aquadaze, I am with you on the egg love, luckily in ours all of us love eggs. And this curry looks delicious.

  2. Eggs are excellent source of protein and Yolks indeed bad for people who have high Cholesterol. As you said, anything in excess is bad for us. We love egg dishes at home, so I usually make something at least once a week with eggs.

    Now coming to your fabulous Egg curry, I will be trying this very soon. I am in love with the color, sounds like a great recipe. Thanks Aqua! :)

  3. I can eat egg at anytime! Sounds absolutely delicous ur curry!

  4. Wow curry looks rich n creamy...delicious!

  5. Eggs in milk sauce sure is a tempting recipe.I remember this ad too promoting eggs,sunday ho ya monday roz khaao ande....:)

  6. Wow, thats a new method, looks so creamy and delicious! Will def. try out! :)

  7. Congrats on the award in the previosu post and this is a twist on egg curry , I have to try..never needed any coaxing myself to have eggs:)

  8. My lil one loves boiled eggs - just like her Mum!;)

    This is one interesting recipe - have never seen milk and egg before. Thanks!

  9. I LOVE the gravy...looks nice and creamy! I usually see egg curries in red gravies. This looks more appetizing actually ;)

  10. Wow..A very different egg curry recipe..It has got a nice color..I can't wait to try this.Bookmarked :)

  11. I am nuts abt egg Aqua..can eat it even in half boiled form..Honestly,This curry looks tooo yum..thick rich yellow creamy color..yum yum.:)

  12. Thanks or all your lovely comments! Do tell me when (and if) you try this curry :)

  13. This is the first time i have seen egg curry in milk! never even thought about it. but really we cook all other things in milk... looks rich. We have eggs in moderation.. I do not think it is wise to cut it off your diet entirely.

    i do the same thing for DD2.. remove hers & add chili in ours:-DD

  14. curry looks delicious and love the color Aqua.

  15. Thats a lovely one aqua..thanks for the entry!

  16. A, this curry was excellent, kids devoured it with rice. Milk gives it a creamy taste and looks so delicious with greenish cream color. Thanks for the recipe! :)
