Friday, January 16, 2009

Brownies....supernatural brownies

There is something about brownies that draws people to them. Very few can seem to resist a brownie. I, for one, am drawn like a magnet if I catch a even the slightest whiff of freshly baked brownies!

As kids, whenever my mother would make brownies (or for that matter, any cake), my sister and I would fight like cats. Over what, you might want to know.

No, it wasn't over who would cut the brownie.
No, it wasn't over who would get to arrange the walnuts on top of tha batter.
No, it wasn't over who'd have the last piece of the brownie.

It was over who would lick clean the mixing bowl after the batter had been poured into the pan!

Somewhere down the line, we learned to take turns and then over time we lost our fetish to lick the mixing bowl and focussed just on what was being baked in the oven.

But sis, I swear, this time when I made them brownies, had you been in the kitchen with me, I would have fought with you all over again and NO, I wouldn't have shared the mixing bowl with you. Afterall, these are supernatural brownies!

Calling a brownie "supernatural" - now that is some claim!

Zillions of recipes abound for making brownies, some use chocolate, yet others use cocoa powder. Some make fudgy brownies, others, cakey. Sometimes, there are chocolate chips in it, sometimes nuts. And, almost everyone who bakes will have "the best" brownie recipe!

But very frankly, when I first came across a recipe that called itself supernatural brownies, I wasn't too impressed. There is way too much sugar, I thought.

But then when I came across this recipe on Dee's blog, I knew it was spot on! Boy, did I rush into the kitchen to make them, with just a few itsy bitsy changes to her recipe.


125 gms unsalted butter, softened
125 gms bittersweet chocolate (I used Varlhona)
2 eggs
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup light brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
1 tsp coffee emulco
1/2 cup flour , sieved once
1/4 cup chopped walnuts, very lightly toasted
few whole walnuts, optional, for topping


Preheat the oven to 350 deg C.

Melt the chocolate and the butter. I use neither the microwave or the double boiler method. This has always worked for me - melt butter and toss the chocolate into the melted butter. The heat from the butter will melt the chocolate.
Set it aside and let cool.

Whisk the eggs , followed by both the sugars, salt and the essence, for about 3 mins. Add the melted chocolate and then, fold in the flour until just combined. Toss the walnuts in the reserved flour and stir into the batter.
Pour the batter into an 8"pan (buttered and lined with parchment paper), arrange the whole walnuts on top and bake for about 35-40 mins (do take note of how amazingly good your house smells whilst the brownie is getting baked) or until the top appears cracked and shiny (if you do a toothpick test, you will find it comes out a little sticky, which is ok) . The brownie will continue to cook as it cools.

RESIST the temptation to devour your brownie immediately....if you can't wait a day, atleast wait a few, can't wait that long? Well, then atleast wait till the brownie cools!



    Plz accept my appreciation :)

  2. Looks super delicious! Yummy treat! Nice pictures. Thanks for visiting my blog. Have added you to my blogroll.

  3. The brownies looking super delicious....just can't stop drooling over it...inbtw you would the pongal with sambar or chutney? ;)

  4. And I forgot to ask you need any help for licking the bowl yet? ;)..

  5. looks nice and i lov chocolate flavours....its just delightful dessert..

  6. Hi ,u reminded me of me and my sister fighting for silly things:)
    brownie looks delicious.iam just drooling over it!!Thanks 4 visiting mine:)

  7. i had brownies for the first time only after coming to us and never even heard of them before..and now they are one of the best sweet things i crave all the time..i do wanted to try your recipe but i don't have all the ingredients in my entry so will give it a try some other time..

  8. Wow, your brownies look divine! Are you kidding? I don't think I'll be able to wait that long....

  9. wow....lovely brownies...hv added u to my list

  10. Looks delicious....LOvely pics too:)

  11. Hi aquadaze, thanks for stopping by my blog and your lovely comment. you have a nice blog here and will definitely send something for the nuts event :)

    Brownies look very delicious.

  12. I'm so glad you made these! Did you enjoy them? Oh, please say yes.

  13. My daughtie is a brownie savvy..looks yummy..
    btw,you got a coool blog,love adding you.

  14. Navita, thank you sweetie!

    Anu, glad to see you here and am really happy for adding me to ur blogroll.

    Priti...can't I get both? Pls?

    Suma, isn't chocolate the bestest thing!!

    chitra...glad you liked the brownies!!

    Priti (pls note that aquadaze has ignored your mention of the mixing bowl), you can have the brownie..umm, yes, all of it!!

  15. Preety, yes do give these a'll love them!

    A and N, thanks for visiting, hope to see you guys here regulaarly!

    Elra...guess I have to admit the truth...well, i could barely wait an hr to eat these.

    Shama, thanks for adding me :)

    Nithya, hope to see you here regularly

  16. Vibaas, thanks for dropping in, look forward to your entry!!

    Dee..what can I say? That I enjoyed them so much that after I finished posting yesterday, I baked another batch? There!! Guess I have just confirmed that I am a glutton!

    Ann..guess that's the way it is..the daughters rule!! Thanks for adding me :)

  17. Love, love, love brownies (must be all that chocolate!). The cracked top and moist inside look perfect.

  18. This makes me fall on my knees!! I love them too:) and yours look amazing!

  19. mmm. brownies look so mouth-watering. Thanks for dropping by! Yes, those are my little girls in the profile pic. Thanks for your sweet words! :)

  20. woww... brownies look lovely. nice picture. very tempting..

  21. Hey, Lovely brownies !!
    Thanx for dropping by !! You have very nice blog with yummy recipes !!

  22. wow this looks really great! I may need to take a trip to Singapore for a piece! :)

  23. aparna, sunshinemom, pallavi, kitchen flavours, uma, mahimaa, deesha...thanks for your lovely comments! They really make my day!
